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BUT Convention

BUT Convention is an association of representatives of provincial and local authorities, renowned companies and pro-business organisations co-operating with Bialystok University of Technology, declaring substantial support for the didactic and scientific development of the University.

The Convention is a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences. It was established by the Resolution of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology No. 104/VIII/XIV/2013 of 28 February 2013.


  1. Bartłomiej Andruk – Director of the Department of Education, Sport and Tourism, Office of the Marshal of Podlaskie Voivodship.
  2. Tomasz Buczek – Director of the Department of Strategy and Development of the Municipal Office of Bialystok
  3. Andrzej Parafiniuk – Chairman of the Management Board of Podlaska Regional Development Foundation
  4. Witold Karczewski – President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Bialystok
  5. Ryszard Iwaszkiewicz – Chairman of the Management Board of the Podlasie Business Club
  6. Krzysztof Żukowski – Chancellor of the Bialystok Chapter of Business Center Club, Vice-Chairman of the Mangement Board of the BCC
  7. Tadeusz Perkowski – Chairman of the Management Board of the Chamber of Commerce in Łapy
  8. Janusz Zastocki – Chairman of the Management Board of the BUT Alumni Association
  9. Wojciech Kamiński – President of the Coucil, Podlasie District Chamber of Civil Engineers
  10. Katarzyna Rutkowska – Chairman of the Management Board, AC S.A.
  11. Anatol Chomczyk – Chairman of ANATEX Sp. z o.o.
  12. Andrzej Jankowski – Chairman of the Management Board, AquaRD Sp. z o.o.
  13. Bogusław Łącki – Chairman of the Management Board, AUTOMATYKA-POMIARY- STEROWANIE S.A.
  14. Jarosław Krzysztof Jurak – Chairman of the Management Board, Budimex Danwood Sp. z o.o.
  15. Jolanta Krystyna Puciłowska – Chairman of the Management Board, ZETO S.A.
  16. Wojciech Borzuchowski – Regional Director, The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways in Bialystok
  17. Jarosław Antychowicz – Chairman of the Management Board, Infinity Group Sp. z o.o.
  18. Paweł Świderski – Chairman of the Management Board, Instal Białystok S.A.
  19. Maciej Szumski – Chairman of the Management Board, Plum Sp. z o.o.
  20. Zbigniew Bogusław Siergiej – President of Pracowniczy Ośrodek Maszynowy w Augustowie Sp. z o.o.
  21. Wiktor Marek Siergiej – Chairman of the Management Board, PROMOTECH Sp. z o.o
  22. Sergiusz Martyniuk – Chairman of the Management Board, Pronar Sp. z o.o.
  23. Tomasz Kamil Tępiński – Chairman of the Management Board, P.P.H. „Silikaty-Białystok” Sp. z o.o.
  24. Andrzej Józef Nowak – Director of the Regional Directorate of State Forests (RDSF) in Białystok
  25. Edmund Borawski – Chairman of the Management Board, Spółdzielnia Mleczarska „Mlekpol”
  26. Konrad Świrski – Chairman of the Management Board, Transition Technologies