Mission and strategy
In its activities, Bialystok University of Technology, hereinafter referred to as “the University”, is guided by the principles of freedom of teaching and scientific research, freedom of artistic creativity and autonomy of the academic community.
The University, fulfilling the mission of discovering and conveying the truth by conducting research and educating students, is an integral part of the national system of education and science.
The University cooperates with the economic environment, in particular in the scope of conducting scientific research and development works for the benefit of economic entities, in organisationally and financially separate forms of activity, as well as through the participation of employer representatives in the development of educational programmes and in the teaching process.
The University carries out a mission of particular importance for the state and the nation: it makes a key contribution to innovation in the economy, contributes to the development of culture and co-shapes the moral standards applicable in public life.
Strategic objectives of Bialystok University of Technology:
- Leading scientific centre.
- Modern didactic unit.
- Efficiently managed and friendly organization.
- Beneficial relations with the environment.