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Commercialisation at Bialystok University of Technology in 11 steps:
  1. Bialystok University of Technology carries out a number of commercial projects in cooperation with entrepreneurs and other universities in the region and the country.
students in the laboratory
employee in the laboratory
  1. Awareness of the practical application of the results of R&D work carried out at the university is a priority, and activities related to commercialisation are to be the foundation for building a competitive advantage of our market partners.
  2. In order to effectively carry out activities related to commercialisation, both indirect (creation of spin-off and spin-out companies) and direct (sale and licensing of university knowledge) in 2011 Bialystok University of Technology established a special purpose vehicle:
    Institute of Innovation and Technology of Bialystok University of Technology
  3. The main tasks of the Institute include commercialisation of the results of R&D works, cooperation with industry on the basis of commissioned scientific and research works, metal production of prototype, unique and unitary character, as well as supervision of the activities carried out by the Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship and Selected New Technologies of Bialystok University of Technology.
  4. The Institute carries out about 100 R&D works per year, and the trend of cooperation in recent years is dynamically growing.
  5. At present, in the Institute’s portfolio there are 5 spin-off companies and several (3 to 5 on average per year) successful implementations on the basis of direct commercialisation.
  6. Cooperation with the Institute allows entrepreneurs to gain fast, effective and relatively cheap access to the knowledge and infrastructure of the University, which enables implementation of even the most complex research projects for business purposes.
  7. The Institute’s offer perfectly meets the requirements for entrepreneurs in the process of obtaining funding from EU sources and allows for smooth cooperation during the implementation of individual projects.
  8. The choice of the form of commercialisation of knowledge held by the University, the implementation time of individual tasks, their price and quality are each time the subject of negotiations with business partners, which responds to existing business needs, reduces the formalities to the necessary minimum and positions Bialystok University of Technology as an equal partner for entrepreneurs in the development processes, investments and current operational activities.
  9. The wide range of competences of the scientists and the infrastructure of each of the six Faculties of the University is an offer that perfectly matches the needs of every entrepreneur who perceives cooperation with the scientific community as the foundation of market competition.
  10. In order to make contact and find out more about the details and possibilities of cooperation, please visit the website of the Institute of Innovation and Technology.