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Bialystok University of Technology joins the prestigious group of European Universities!


Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) has joined the ranks of European Universities! Along with partner universities from eight EU countries, BUT will form the “European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing” (Across). This initiative was recognised in the 5th edition of the competition announced by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme and received funding of nearly €14.4 million.


– The Across alliance, consisting of nine partner universities including Bialystok University of Technology, has joined the prestigious group of European Universities! This project will significantly enhance the internationalisation of our university. We will operate very broadly, developing joint study programmes and intensive courses combining on-campus and online education for our students and PhD students. We will also share best practices in teaching, open our laboratories and studios to the partner university community and their economic environments. Under the Across banner, universities located near national borders in various parts of Europe have united. This is an important and interesting experience that binds us together, including our cooperation with the local economic environment, which we also want to share. We have many activities ahead, all aimed at increasing internationalisation, raising educational standards, and enhancing the overall quality of the nine universities in the consortium – says Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology.

The Across alliance includes 9 European universities alongside BUT. The leader is Chemnitz University of Technology from Germany. Other members are:

  1. University of Perpignan (France)
  2. University of Girona (Spain)
  3. University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
  4. University of Craiova (Romania)
  5. University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  6. University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
  7. University of Udine (Italy)

The project involves implementing four major task blocks, known as Workpages. Bialystok University of Technology leads Workpage 2 – Across Alliance borderless education, focusing on creating a joint educational offer for the Across European University. For this purpose, our university will receive a grant of €1,417,355.

– We are incredibly proud that the Across alliance, which Bialystok University of Technology and its partner universities established three years ago, has received EU funding. This is the culmination of our joint efforts! From September, we will be able to officially and financially support our goals, covering almost all aspects of academic life. English-language study programmes will be modernised, and new offerings will be introduced that we have not previously had. This aims to create a broad, attractive educational offer for future engineers. Polish students will be able to choose courses offered by universities in Spain. A student from France or Bulgaria can enrol in a course at Bialystok University of Technology and participate either in person or online. The same flexibility will apply to using university infrastructure. Researchers from universities within the Across European University will be able to freely use laboratory facilities to conduct their research projects, share experiences, and develop the innovation of their work. A joint e-learning platform will also be created to realise the idea of lifelong learning and skills enhancement. Ultimately, the innovation of scientific research and implementation projects will increase. The European University, by creating a shared pool of scientists and experts, will enhance the competitiveness of its proposals, leading to new grants from various scientific development funding competitions. This is a significant step towards improving the quality of education and opening up to European science – emphasises Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at Bialystok University of Technology.

European Universities are international alliances of higher education institutions with a long-term strategy in education and promoting European values. Their goal is to increase the mobility of students, academic staff, and the scientific community, and to support the quality, integration, and competitiveness of European higher education.

On 28 June 2024, the European Commission announced the fifth competition for supporting European University projects. It decided to award funds to 14 new alliances. Each will receive approximately €14.4 million over four years to achieve their goals.

Currently, 64 alliances operate under the European Universities umbrella, comprising 560 higher education institutions from 35 countries, including all EU member states and Iceland, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The “Polish” European Universities group includes 33 national universities.

The competition results can be found on the National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme FRSE website (in Polish).

Information about the universities, consortium, and actions taken so far is available on the Across alliance website

European Universities is an initiative managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels. More information is available at eacea.ec.europa.eu

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