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European Logistics Association (ELA) certificate for logistics at the Faculty of Management Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology

Międzynarodowy certyfikat dla kierunku logistyka Politechniki Białostockiej!
The European Logistics Association certificate awarded to the logistics engineering studies at the Faculty of Management Engineering of Bialystok University of Technology confirms that graduates acquire professional competences in accordance with the requirements of the European system of certification for logisticians.

This is important information for those studying or planning to start engineering studies in logistics at the Faculty of Management Engineering of Bialystok University of Technology (full-time and part-time studies)! The prestigious certificate of the European Logistics Association of the programme will be a strong asset in their CV. It influences professional development and the possibility of career advancement. It is a signal to employers: this graduate is worth hiring!

What is the European Logistics Association certificate

– The European Logistics Association certificate is recognised on a European scale. Graduates of logistics at the Faculty of Management Engineering of Bialystok University of Technology will have easier access to the European labour market. It is also a confirmation that education in the field of logistics at our university is at a an adequately high level, which is in line with employers‘ expectations, – says Prof. Joanna Ejdys, Dean of the Faculty of Management Engineering of Bialystok University of Technology.

The curriculum in force since the academic year 2024/2025 in the logistics programme at the Faculty of Management Engineering of Bialystok University of Technology is 80.95% compliant with the European Qualification Standards for Logistics Professionals.

European Logistics Association certificate – a career path

The engineering and master’s degree programmes in logistics at the Faculty of Management Engineering at Bialystok University of Technology can be the choice for young people with a wide range of interests. They allow for development of innovative solutions in the area of digitisation of logistics processes, robotisation and elements of programming, which are included in the study programme. Those with a passion for transport: road, air, rail or sea will also find their place here.

Currently, enrolment is open for master’s degree programmes at Bialystok University of Technology. The university offers 45 spots for full-time studies and 30 spots for part-time studies in the logistics programme. Enrolment is open until 10 February at: https://kandydacipb.edu.pl/

You can also find out more about second-cycle studies on 29 January 2025 during the online meeting ‘Become a BUT Master!’ Details at: https://pb.edu.pl/i/6ebx

Bialystok University of Technology received the European Logistics Association (ELA) certificateEuropean Logistics Association (ELA) certificate for logistics at the Faculty of Management Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology

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