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Bialystok University of Technology received an additional PLN 1,043,347 for the European University Across

Bialystok University of Technology will receive an additional PLN 1,043,347 from the Ministry of Science, which will cover part of university’s mandatory 20% contribution to the Across European University project. The largest technical university in north-eastern Poland in 2025 will cooperate with 8 partners from Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as an associate partner from Ukraine.


The Minister of Science has increased the amount of subsidies for 2024 for five public universities that were accepted for funding in the competition held in connection with the European Commission’s initiative ‘European Universities’. Bialystok University of Technology will receive an additional PLN 1,043,347, which will cover part of the university’s mandatory 20% contribution to the project.

The creation of the Across European University by Bialystok University of Technology, with 8 partners from Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as an associate partner from Ukraine, is a great challenge but also a great opportunity for the development of the university – argues Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at Bialystok University of Technology. – The funds received will be used to implement the activities planned in the project, covering all aspects of university life, starting with a systemic approach to the organization and management of the consortium: creating a common strategy, procedures and international Across units, such as Teacher Training Academy, Across Think Tank or Across Incubator Hub. We plan to develop and implement a joint teaching offer (international courses with micro-credentials, joint study programmes with foreign partners, etc.), targeted mobility of students, doctoral students and employees of Bialystok University of Technology within Across, scientific cooperation and commercialisation of research results. In addition, the funds from the project and the increased subsidy will allow for effective dissemination of the developed solutions.

European Universities are international alliances of higher education institutions. They are linked by a long-term strategy in the field of education and promotion of European values. The aim of their creation is to increase the mobility of students, academic staff and the scientific community, as well as to support the quality, integration and competitiveness of European higher education.

– Under the banner of Across, universities that are located near the national borders of countries from different parts of Europe have come together – reminds Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology. – This is an important and interesting experience that also binds us together in terms of cooperation with the local economic environment.

The leader of the consortium is Chemnitz University of Technology from Germany. The project involves the implementation of four large task blocks, the so-called Work packages. Bialystok University of Technology is the leader of Work package 2 – Across Alliance borderless education, which covers activities aimed at creating a joint educational offer of the Across European University. For this purpose, our university will receive a grant of EUR 1,417,355.

ACROSS consortium:

  • Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
  • Politechnika Bialostocka (Bialystok University of Technology), Poland
  • University of Perpignan, France
  • University of Girona, Spain
  • University of Udine, Italy
  • University of Ruse, Bulgaria
  • University of Craiova, Romania
  • University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv from Ukraine participates as an associated partner in the project.