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Bialystok University of Technology secures nearly 1 million PLN in funding for the development of the Across European University Project

Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) has received almost 1 million PLN for activities related to the development of the Across European University project. This funding will allow the university to organise staff mobility and research internships at Across partner institutions, as well as a summer school and study visits, which will enhance the skills and competencies of its students.

In June 2024, BUT joined the prestigious group of European Universities. This status was granted to an international initiative carried out by BUT in collaboration with partners from eight EU countries. The Across University project: “European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing”, was recognised in the 5th edition of the competition announced by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme and received funding of nearly 14.4 million euros.

A significant complement to the activities undertaken by BUT under the Erasmus+ programme and linked to the functioning of the Across consortium is the funding obtained from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the “Support for European Universities” programme. This funding amounts to 950,784.80 PLN.

Thanks to these funds, BUT will organise:

  • 16 staff mobilities at Across partner universities,
  • 24 research internships for academic staff at Across institutions,
  • study visits for a group of 56 students from BUT to partner countries,
  • a summer school with 48 students from the universities in the Across consortium.

The Across “European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing” consortium, which includes BUT, consists of 8 European universities: Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany, as the leader), University of Perpignan (France), University of Girona (Spain), University of Ruse (Bulgaria), University of Craiova (Romania), University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia), and University of Udine (Italy).

– Under the name Across, academic institutions located near the borders of various European countries have joined forces. This is an important and exciting experience that also strengthens our collaboration with the local economic environment. We have many tasks ahead of us, all united by the synergy of the potential of the nine universities in the consortium, aiming to increase internationalisation and raise educational standards, – emphasised Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology.

More about BUT involvement in the Across international alliance:
Bialystok University of Technology joins the prestigious group of European Universities!
Bialystok University of Technology in ACROSS consortium
Across – the European Cross-Border University.

In the “Support for European Universities” programme run by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, grants were awarded to higher education and research institutions that are members of European University alliances as partners or associate partners. In the first round, 31 applications were submitted, 27 passed the substantive evaluation, and 19 projects were selected for funding. The total amount allocated for the programme was 33.5 million PLN. The programme is funded by the European Social Development Fund 2021-2027 (FERS).
At Bialystok University of Technology, the “Support for European Universities” project will be implemented from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2026 by the Department of International Projects: Erasmus+ and NAWA.

(by mr)