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Advancement of Bialystok University of Technology in the QS Europe University Rankings 2025

On 10 July 2024, the results of the second edition of the international QS Europe University Rankings 2025 were published. This is the first QS ranking in history to focus exclusively on European universities. The general European ranking included 685 universities from 42 countries, including 32 from Poland.

Bialystok University of Technology advanced from the 551-600 range to the 521-530 group. In the ranking of universities from Eastern European countries, Bialystok University of Technology ranked 76th, an improvement of 5 positions compared to the previous year.

Nationally, Bialystok University of Technology ranked 24th out of 32 Polish universities included in the ranking. In the category of incoming student exchange, we remain the best in Poland, and in the category of outgoing student exchange, we are fourth in Poland.

Compared to last year, Bialystok University of Technology improved its scores in the Employer Reputation indicator and Sustainability.

Bialystok University of Technology’s positions in the QS Europe University Rankings 2025: student exchange criteria:

Inbound Exchange Students

  • 1st place in Poland
  • 2nd in Eastern Europe
  • 50th in Europe

Outbound Exchange Students

  • 4th place in Poland
  • 19th in Eastern Europe
  • 174th in Europe


The entire ranking considered 17.4 million publications and 175.9 million citations. The reputation surveys involved 1.9 million respondents from the academic community and 660,000 respondents from employers. The publication and citation data were sourced from the Scopus database and were collected in January 2024 for the period 2018-2022, with citations considered for the period 2018-2023.

Positions of Polish universities in the QS Europe University Rankings 2025:

Positions of Polish universities in the QS Europe University Rankings 2025

Certificates awarded to Bialystok University of Technology:
Certificate awarded to Bialystok University of Technology
Certificate awarded to Bialystok University of Technology


The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich topped the QS Europe University Rankings, followed closely by Imperial College London, with the University of Oxford in third place. Seven of the top ten universities in the ranking are located in the United Kingdom.

Among Polish universities, the highest ranks were achieved by the University of Warsaw (96th in Europe), Jagiellonian University (120th), and Warsaw University of Technology (208th).

We thank everyone who contributes to building our brand on the international stage, aiding in our advancement in such a prestigious ranking as the QS Europe University Rankings.

Learn more


Prepared by the Data and Strategic Analysis Centre, BUT