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Bialystok University of Technology strengthens collaboration with Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o.

five people pose for a photo; a woman and a man present a document in a green folder; the background is formed by two photo walls, on the left with the Bialystok University of Technology logo and inscription, on the right with the inscription: Rosti
Practical classes in a modern company for students, collaboration between Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o. on innovations with scientists from Bialystok University of Technology are some of the initiatives that will be undertaken jointly by the expert in injection moulding plastics processing and the largest technical university in northeastern Poland.

At Bialystok University of Technology, the letter of intent regarding cooperation between the University and Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o. was signed by Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology, and Michał Lubik, Managing Director of Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o.

– Currently, cooperation with the socio-economic environment is not only the third mission of the university but also the first one, related to education, and the second, related to scientific research, – emphasizes Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology. – As a regional university, we cooperate with companies from the region. Rosti, which has international prestige, offers us many good opportunities for both educational and R&D projects. It’s an exchange of knowledge, best practices, and preparation of our students to work in a company with European standards.

This significantly enhances the quality of our engineering education. The participation of practitioners, direct contact with the company, and study visits will align our educational programme more closely with labour market needs and develop our students. We work for the region, but in reality, we train engineers who excel in the national, European, and global markets, and we want our graduates to be particularly well-prepared for the labour market, which also builds the brand of Bialystok University of Technology.

Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o. is one of the largest employers in the region.

– We are a global, international company, – reminds Michał Lubik, Managing Director of Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o. – The knowledge we gain on the world stage gives us a competitive edge. Our clients present global inquiries, and very often the technologies they ask about show the need for knowledge in the field of plastic processing. A few years ago, we opened an innovation centre. It checks which technologies are appearing on the market and gathers information about the needs of international clients. The tasks they set for us mean that we constantly need to acquire broader knowledge, raise the bar higher, and accomplish increasingly difficult tasks. This is how we build our competitive advantage, and our engineers grow in knowledge but also share it and build the next generations of great engineers. Thanks to the fact that our engineers are at the highest level, they carry out international projects, which means that Rosti Poland is actually at the forefront of injection moulding companies worldwide. This gives us greater opportunities to develop new technologies, solve further technical problems, and attract the best engineers from the local market, offering them the opportunity to build appropriate career paths.

One of Rosti Poland’s priorities is the issue of sustainable development and responsible business. This includes the way we handle our production, our overall operations, and what we do with all production waste – whether it is in a closed cycle, and many other aspects – such as electricity, which is critical for an injection moulding company.

Since 2020, Rosti’s Innovation Centre in Bialystok has had its own laboratory. The concept “From Concept to Reality in 72h” is realized there. Within three days, a team of engineers can design and produce an injection mould with plastic inserts created using 3D printing technology, and then obtain prototype parts from the target material using injection moulding.

– For several years, we have been working on finding and selecting suitable materials that are environmentally friendly, – adds Wojciech Dzięgielewski, Technical Director of Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o. – We review what is appearing on the market, cooperate with companies that try to create new products – for example, using lignin in paper production. It is waste but also a natural polymer. We worked on using such polymers here, in injection moulding production, replacing petrochemical components with something like this. Over the years we have worked on identifying such raw materials, we have a fairly extensive list of solutions, proposals of various materials that we could use to manufacture a given product, and we offer such solutions to clients. We conduct contract manufacturing, meaning the client owns the product and design and makes the final decision on what it will be made of, but we always take the initiative and have managed to introduce many ecological materials to the market and replace those made from petroleum, whether they are chemically or mechanically recycled or biobased. We see our client’s interest and strive to meet his needs.

Students of Bialystok University of Technology will benefit greatly from their university’s collaboration with Rosti Poland.

– We intend to organize study visits to the Bialystok plant, student internships, and placements so that our students can gain practical knowledge in the field of plastic processing, – announces Assoc. Prof. Jarosław Szusta, DSc, PhD, Eng, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at Bialystok University of Technology. – At the university, we present the theoretical scope, and there, on working machines, students can observe what we present on slides. The first group has already had the opportunity to see the company on Myśliwska Street in Bialystok, and the impression was very positive. The students were very positively surprised by the quality of production, the cleanliness of the plant, and the standards maintained there.

Bialystok University of Technology, in collaboration with Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o., declares to:

  • prepare research programmes, technical studies, scientific projects, conferences, and seminars;
  • organize joint ventures aimed at improving employee qualifications, including the exchange of research and academic staff;
  • publish monographs, textbooks, and other scientific and didactic materials;
  • implement scientific projects, research, and training of scientific personnel;
  • cooperate in improving the quality of education at all levels of study and conduct joint student internships, placements, and study visits.

Participants in the signing of the letter of intent included:

  • Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology
  • Michał Lubik, Managing Director of Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o.
  • Wojciech Dzięgielewski, Technical Director of Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o.
  • Sebastian Piszczatowski, R&D Leader of Rosti Poland Sp. z o.o.
  • Assoc. Prof. Jarosław Szusta, DSc, PhD, Eng, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at Bialystok University of Technology

by jd