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Assoc. Prof. Agnieszka Dardzińska-Głębocka, DSc, PhD, – a chairwoman of the advisory team of the Minister of Science

Assoc. Prof. Agnieszka Dardzińska-Głębocka, DSc, PhD, Vice-Rector for Education of Bialystok University of Technology, became the chairwoman of the advisory team of the Minister of Science on Open Access Policy for publicly funded research data.

She will lead the work of the body, whose main task is to analyse and consult the document prepared by the ministry, defining the principles of digital access to the content of scientific publications and the results of publicly funded research, in order to enable their free use by scientists, students, entrepreneurs and the whole society (Open Access).

– I am a huge supporter of the idea of open science, which is why I am enthusiastic about working in a team that will have an impact on shaping state policy on this topic. I am ready to take up this challenge and act to popularise the principles of open access to research data. The introduction of the regulation of the Polish area of these resources will enable the official inclusion of our country in the European open science system. I invite you to follow the progress of the team’s work, as well as to actively participate in the joint shaping of the policy of open access to research data – says Assoc. Prof. Agnieszka Dardzińska-Głębocka, DSc, PhD.

The main tasks of the 13-member Advisory Team on Open Access Policy for publicly funded research data are:

  1. Development of strategies: leading the process of developing a strategy for open access to research data, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and other competent authorities.
  2. Coordination of activities: coordination of the team’s activities and cooperation with various scientific institutions, research funding agencies and other stakeholders in order to promote open access principles.
  3. Educational support: providing educational support for scientific units and universities in the development and implementation of open access policies.
  4. Progress monitoring: monitoring of progress in achieving the objectives of the open access policy and regular reporting of results.
  5. Promotion of the idea: promoting the idea of open access to research data in the scientific community and society.

More information on the Open Access concept can be found on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education https://www.gov.pl/web/nauka/otwarty-dostep-do-publikacji-naukowych (in Polish).


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