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Rector of Bialystok University of Technology about “My Green University”

Rektor Politechniki Białostockiej na kampusie uczelni

“Ladies and Gentlemen, on a daily basis we are involved in the education of modern engineering staff – this is our most important mission. When transferring technical knowledge, discovering or implementing new technologies – we take the environment into account. It’s a matter of social responsibility and caring for future generations.

That is why our scientists have been conducting research and developing innovations for clean water or renewable energy sources for a long time. The effective methods we have developed in the fight against bee diseases, which are so important for local ecosystems, or ways of obtaining building materials from recycled materials, result in patents granted.
Our approach is also reflected in fields of study such as eco-power engineering, biotechnology, environmental engineering or forestry.

We decided to go one step further. As part of our efforts to protect the environment, we are implementing a sustainable development strategy, which we have called “My Green University”. We preceded the development of the document with a diagnosis of the state and potential of our University in the context of global ecological challenges. In the first half of 2022, surveys were conducted among students, doctoral students, academic staff and employees of the University. We conducted a SWOT analysis, and its results allowed us to develop an action plan that we will implement by 2035.

The objectives of “My Green University” are consistent with the Development Strategy of Bialystok University of Technology. As an academic community, we face the challenge of the University’s dynamic transformation towards education and creating technologies that support climate protection. It is up to us how future generations of engineers will care about the well-being of the Earth. Our environmental awareness is crucial here, which is why we build it together with you, sharing ideas and experiences.

We adapt the education, research, organization and management of the University to activities for sustainable development. We will involve students, teaching staff, doctoral students, as well as increase the number and quality of research that protects ecosystems.

Approximately 60% of the campus area is occupied by green areas. I hope that together we will create a model green campus that will be an example of good practices and solutions for the environment. We have experience and competence in managing energy and other resources. The University operates ground heat pumps, solar collectors, micro wind power plants as well as conventional and hybrid photovoltaic systems. We are prepared to implement energy solutions supporting the functioning of the campus infrastructure. We carry out thermal modernization of our buildings. Despite this, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Solutions for rainwater storage and infiltration and increasing the share of renewable energy while reducing water, energy and municipal waste generation are important issues. We will work to improve the functionality and availability of the campus communication and transport infrastructure and increase campus biodiversity. This will reduce our carbon and water footprint.

One of the planned activities is the creation of a green space for relaxation, which will serve the entire academic community, in particular students. My Green University is our joint project, which is why I encourage all students of Bialystok University of Technology to submit their proposals for the chillout zone on our campus to student self-government. I believe that young, creative minds can turn interesting ideas into practical and, above all, environmentally friendly solutions.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our emblem is green for a reason. For years, we have been associated with the unique nature of Podlasie. We continue this tradition going one step further. I encourage you to get involved in our activities so that everyone can say about BUT: My Green University.”


Rector of Bialystok University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng