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Representatives of Bialystok University of Technology visited Molde University College in Norway

Representatives of Bialystok University of Technology and Molde University College in front of the University entrance

Exchange of academic staff, mobility of first and second degree students as well as doctoral students, guest lectures, open courses and seminars, preparation of joint applications for international grants in the field of logistics, management and computer science, as well as development and promotion of the Engineering Management in Production and Services (https://empas.pb.edu.pl) – these are the areas of cooperation agreed on as a result of the visit of representatives of Bialystok University of Technology at Molde University College in Norway from 5 to 9 September 2022.




The delegation included Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng, Rector of Bialystok University of Technology, Prof. Marek Krętowski, DSc, PhD, Eng, Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Michał Kuciej, DSc, PhD, Eng, Director of the Doctoral School of BUT, Łukasz Nazarko, PhD, Vice Dean for Development and Cooperation of the Faculty of Engineering Management and Marcin Rodzianko, MSc, Eng, Head of the University IT Centre.

Molde University College – Specialized College of Logistics (https://www.himolde.no) is a renowned Norwegian university listed among the 20 best universities of Norway. It conducts research and education in three faculties: Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Care and Faculty of Logistics. The student body counts more than 3000 students with about 250 international students representing over 60 nationalities. MUC offers a broad range of stationary courses, while also having a modern infrastructure allowing remote and hybrid learning.

The delegation of BUT held a series of working meetings and discussions with the representatives of MUC, including Prof. Steinar Westlie Kristoffersen, Rector of Molde University College, Prof. Judith Ann Molka-Danielsen, Vice-Rector for Research, Anette Kristin Myrstad, International Cooperation Coordinator, Rolf Magnus Orø, Head of the Department of IT Services, as well as many researchers representing diverse fields. The study visit at the host university was coordinated by prof. Yury Redutskiy, a renowned specialist in the field of application of quantitative methods in logistics and it took place under the “Experience-based management – good practices in university management” programme funded by the Education Programme of the EEA Financial Mechanism (https://education.org.pl/strefa-beneficjenta/informacje-ogolne/opis-programu/). The aim of the project is to upskill the administrative staff of Bialystok University of Technology, as well as to strengthen and extend cooperation between the two institutions.

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