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International Training Week at Bialystok University of Technology

grupa uczestników International Training Week
Nearly 40 representatives of foreign universities from 18 countries have visited Bialystok University of Technology. The university is hosting them for the next week during the International Training Week – an event organised by the BUT International Relations Office for partner institutions under the Erasmus+ K107 programme (cooperation with countries outside the European Union).

Among the participants of the International Training Week there are representatives of the authorities of academic centres, lecturers and employees of international cooperation offices from all over the world: Albania, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Ecuador, Spain, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Tunisia and Turkey. During their stay, they had the opportunity to visit Bialystok University of Technology, the city of Białystok and the region. They participated in meetings at faculties and gave lectures for students and employees of BUT.

We meet to establish new contacts and maintain existing relations with partner universities that we have all over the world. We are glad that we can again talk face to face about developing interuniversity cooperation, mobility of students and employees and joint research projects – emphasises the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng.

On 23 May 2022, the participants of the International Training Week were welcomed by the Rector of Bialystok University of Technology, Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng. Wishing the guests a good and successful stay at our University, she expressed her conviction that participation in the event would enable them to build positive intercultural relations and establish new scientific and didactic contacts. Learning more about Bialystok University of Technology, the city and the region, the participants will become ambassadors of Podlasie in their own countries. She also asked that during their visits to the faculties, meetings with students and employees, our guests should focus on three topics in particular: ways of intensifying student and employee mobility; seeking new forms of developing cooperation under the Erasmus + KA107 programme between BUT and non-EU universities, as well as the possibility of developing activities in the area of the so-called good practices, i.e. international summer schools, internships.

Participants of the International Training Week invited students and employees of Bialystok University of Technology to “cultural stands”, i.e. presentations of partner universities. At the colourful stands it was possible to establish contacts and taste delicacies from various parts of the world.

In the afternoon there was a meeting with the authorities of the city of Białystok. – We were warmly welcomed by the Deputy President of Białystok, Przemysław Tuchliński, in the Branicki Guest Palace. This is where our meeting with the city’s history began. Then we visited the Branicki Palace and gardens, as well as other historical places – said the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng.

On 24 May, our guests took part in cultural and language workshops organised by Ms Alina Jabłońska-Domurat from the Centre for Polish Language and Culture POLISH LAB at the Foreign Language Centre of Bialystok University of Technology. They quickly learnt the basic phrases of politeness and later on they greeted each other in Polish. The workshops were accompanied by an exhibition of photographs depicting the largest cities and the most beautiful places in Poland – “Beautiful Poland”.

They also participated in the opening of the post-competition exhibition “China – beauty captured in a frame”. The exhibition presented works awarded in a competition organized by the Confucius Classroom of Bialystok University of Technology. Visitors could see magnificent photographs – souvenirs from a visit to the Middle Kingdom: the terracotta army of Emperor Qin, photos of Chinese cities, temples, fragments of the Great Wall, traditional costumes and food. It’s worth mentioning that the exhibition “China – beauty captured in a frame” can be seen in the lobby of the BUT Centre for Modern Education until the end of May.

In the afternoon, the participants of the International Training Week visited Supraśl. – It was a great opportunity to introduce the culture of our region and Poland to foreigners. During a regional dinner, the guests could taste local delicacies and even learn folk dances – said Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng.

In the following days, there was a trip to the Herbal Corner in Koryciny and a series of meetings showing the potential of Bialystok University of Technology: presentations at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Architecture. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences guests of the International Training Week had the opportunity to participate in a poster session accompanying the international scientific conference Innovations-Sustainability-Modernity-Openness (ISMO).

International Training Week, an event organised for the eighth time by the International Relations Office of Bialystok University of Technology, has a chance to expand its formula and play an important role in the internationalisation of Białystok’s universities.

This is what we care about. During the International Training Week, we put special emphasis on promoting Bialystok University of Technology, but we also want to cooperate with other universities. We asked the President of Bialystok for patronage and joint promotion of activities under the brand “study in Bialystok”, so the first steps have already been taken. We hope that soon the City – in cooperation with universities – will launch a website dedicated to this idea. It will become a tool to promote not only Bialystok but also local academic centres and our rich offer for foreign students. This is a common benefit for all of us, stresses Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng.

Representatives of the following universities participate in the eighth edition of the International Training Week at Bialystok University of Technology:

– Albania, University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”

– Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Technological University

– Bhutan, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Royal University of Bhutan

– Bosnia and Herzegovina, University of East Sarajevo

– Egypt, Mansoura University

– Ecuador, Universidad de Las Americas

– Spain, University of Burgos

– Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

– Kazakhstan, Kazakh National ResearchTechnical University named after K.I.Satpayev

– Kyrgyzstan, Ala-Too International University

– Kosovo, University of Pristina-Kosovska Mitrovica

– Lithuania, Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences

– Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

– Mauritius, University of Mauritius

– Moldova, Technical University of Moldova

– Nepal, Kathmandu University

– Tunisia, University of Monastir

– Turkey, Firat University.

Detailed programme of the event BUT International Week Programme 2022 (pdf, digitally accessible, 1MB)


View a photo gallery of the official opening of the International Training Week and the “cultural stands”