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Meet us at the Family Science Picnic


As part of the 18th Podlasie Festival of Science and Arts, join us at the Family Science Picnic, which will be held on 8 May at the Municipal Stadium, 1 Słoneczna Street in Białystok. You will be able to experiment, discover and learn about the world of science. There will also be sporting emotions: judo fighting shows and, for the youngest ones, football training and an inflatable playground. The whole family is welcome! Admission’s free.

Bialystok University of Technology has prepared a lot of attractions for the Family Science Picnic. Between 10 am and 4 pm you are welcome to visit our stands, where you can meet lecturers and students with passion.
We start off with a bang. At 10 o’clock watch a show of Japanese martial arts. Members of judo section of KU AZS Bialystok University of Technology and Judo Club of Bialystok University of Technology invite for the ultra-short course and presentation of safe falls, throws and grabs used in sport fight and in real danger situations. Register here.

After the sporting activities there will be an opportunity to:

  • take a walk in VR goggles in the mobile museum of virtual reality art from 10 am
  • take part in book origami workshops from 10 am
  • take part in a mathematical picnic where everyone will be able to easily prove Pythagoras’ theorem or test themselves with a fractal puzzle from 10 am

We will also prove that anyone can programme a robot. We invite younger and older fans of robotics to our stand, where you will be able to get to know the world of educational robots. Participants will be able to control SUMO-type robots and fight showdown battles with them. Visit us from 10 am on 8 May.

At the chemistry stand of the students of the Academic Secondary School of Bialystok University of Technology we will learn how water filters are built, what the differences are and how to build your own filter. Visit us from 10 am.

There will also be an opportunity to see up close the devices and mobile robots built by students during robotics classes at the Academic Secondary School of Bialystok University of Technology. Find out how powerful a tool a soldering iron is in the hands of secondary school students! Visit us from 10 am.

We will also revise some useful phrases and grammar rules from the English language. A fun quiz and puzzles will be used for this. Visit us from 10 am.

Have you heard of green bus stops? And have you wondered who decides what they look like? What plants can be used in these constructions? Are there any other objects that affect the quality of life of city dwellers? Answers to these questions will be found at the stand of the international GLOCAL project. Visit us from 10 am.

Get advice on the choice of plant species for your balcony, flowerbed or green roof. Students of Bialystok University of Technology, majoring in landscape architecture, are experts in this field. Visit us from 12 am.

Meet a young inventor and innovator – Petros Psyllos. Already during his studies at the Faculty of Computer Science, Petros constructed MATIA – a mobile device for the blind and visually impaired, which won him the national qualification for the Imagine Cup competition. The list of Petros Psyllos’ awards and distinctions is long, including the Gold Medal of the World Invention Fair, the Prize of the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Podlaska Marka. Recently, his great passion is artificial intelligence solutions. He will talk about them during the meeting at the Picnic.

If you are a bicycle enthusiast meet Damian Orzechowski. He’s a student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Bialystok University of Technology and runs his own startup CAT-EBIKES, in which he designs and builds electric bicycles. His YouTube channel has become an important source of knowledge, not only technical. He also has time to be active in the IO student scientific circle.