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EastROBO – robotics festival at Bialystok University of Technology

For the ninth time, young robotics enthusiasts from all over the country came to Bialystok University of Technology. On Saturday, 20 November 2021, the EastROBO competition was held in the Centre for Modern Education.

– The competition is designed to help people develop their passions and bring their ideas to life. Everyone can come here, talk to other participants who have more experience than them, and in the future construct a cool robot on their own, with which they can compete in a robotics competition,” emphasised Mateusz Karanowski, a student of the Faculty of Computer Science of BUT, a member of the Mobile Intelligent Systems (MSI) Student Association, the organiser of the EastROBO competition series.

Once again EastROBO proved to be the biggest robotics event in north-eastern Poland. This year’s edition attracted nearly 170 competitors from Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. At stake was the title of the best constructor of robots built with LEGO® bricks. EastROBO 2021 was held in ten different competitions.

–  In the sumo category, robots fight by themselves. We do not control them, but program them beforehand, and set the appropriate sensors. In the ring, the robots fight among themselves, they try to push their opponents away, just like in Japanese sumo – explained Mateusz Karanowski from the MSI.
Apart from sumo duels, there were also Linefollower categories, in which what counted was the fastest and the most correct following of a robot along a designated line. For years, the crowning category of the competition was FreeStyle, in which everyone, both observers and competitors, voted in a poll for the best robot of the competition. Here, ARGO 3 – the Martian rover made by students from the the Robotics Student Association of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of BUT – proved unrivalled.

– We are very happy that the competition is an in-person event again, after a pandemic break. And that it returned with a crowd of young people – emphasised the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science of Bialystok University of Technology, Assoc. Prof. Dorota Mozyrska, PhD.

– I think that the concept of robots has always been popular. Let me remind you that this year is the year of Stanisław Lem, the author of “Mortal engines”. Maybe Lem described slightly different constructions than the ones we have during the competition, but there is something in it, that we are drawn to the world of fantasy and something that we can rule. In a way, it is a man who has power over a robot that he creates or programs so that, for example, he wins the competition,” said Assoc. Prof. Dorota Mozyrska, PhD

The EastROBO 2021 Robot Competition was organised by the Mobile Intelligent Systems Student Association. It was supported by the Faculty of Computer Science of BUT, the Student Self-Government of Bialystok University of Technology and the Foundation for Development of Bialystok University of Technology.

The results of the competition will soon be published on the website: eastrobo.pl


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