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Szkolenie dla doktorantów CAPABLE 2024


The CAPABLE (Common Academic Practices and Abilities in Learning for Research) project aims to provide knowledge, skills, and network opportunities to PhD students at BUP participating universities focusing on a sustainability topic relevant to the Baltic Sea Region.

Accepted students will receive mentoring and feedback on their thesis, as well as training in academic development, such as academic writing, academic presentations, critical thinking, development of research arguments, and much more. 

The training has three parts: an online seminar series, a PhD student conference in Uppsala, and an online course on academic pedagogics.

The project is financed by the Swedish Institute (SI) and the BUP. The project is a part of the SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme, a special call for Ukraine. We will welcome a total of 50 PhD students, 26 Ukrainian students, and 24 students from BUP participating universities in other countries. All students will have their costs of accommodation and food covered, Ukrainian students will also receive financial support for their travels via the project.

The last application day is 5 May 2024.

Apply for the BUP CAPABLE PhD Training 2024.

Read more about the training.

Bialystok University of Technology is part of the Baltic University ProgrammeIt is an association of over 100 universities from the Baltic Sea region that care about a healthy, green planet and clean seas.

For more information, please contact Ms Aniela Staszewska – Plenipotentiary of the Rector of BUT for the Baltic University Programme at a.staszewska [at] pb.edu.pl.