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Our lecturer as Rector’s Plenipotentiary for the Baltic University Programme

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Aniela Staszewska, MA, has been appointed Plenipotentiary of the Rector of BUT for the Baltic University Programme and will hold the position from February 2023 to August 2024.

The Baltic University Programme has been around since 1991, actively working for sustainable development and democracy in the Baltic Sea Region.

Throughout the years, thousands of students, teachers, researchers and others have taken part in courses, conferences, projects, exchanges, excursions, sails, seminars, workshops and much more.

The tasks of the plenipotentiary include, above all, the promotion of events organised by BUP universities among our academic community, the involvement of BUT students, doctoral students and employees in BUP activities and the promotion of Bialystok University of Technology and our offer among BUP partners..

To learn more about the projects of the Baltic University Programme, visit the website: Baltic University Programme.