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About us

Foreign Language Centre at Bialystok University of Technology provides language courses to students and staff of the University.




We offer a variety of courses customized to the needs of our students:

  • Polish – courses popular with our Erasmus students and courses within Polish Lab for anyone who is interested (also from outside the University),
  • English – general, technical and business English courses for BUT students (B1 – C1 levels),
  • Russian – courses at B2 level for BUT students,
  • German – courses at A1 and B2 level for  BUT students
  • Spanish – courses at A1 for BUT students.

Most of our courses are at B2 level as every student has to provide foreign language certification at that level to be able to graduate, according to the university regulation.

Students have a choice of taking a variety of language exams, both commercial and university ones. Check our offer.

There are three types of English classes that students can choose from: general, technical and business.

We are experts in specialist technical language.
We educate highly qualified future engineers.
We assist our students in entering the international job market.

Apart from our basic work, we organize competitions, quizzes and other events for students.

If you have any questions, please contact us.