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Szkolenie dla doktorantów BUP 2025 – bezpieczeństwo i odporność regionu Morza Bałtyckiego


A unique PhD event in a Baltic Sea Region context

This training aims to provide knowledge, skills and network opportunities to PhD students focusing on security and resilience in the Baltic Sea Region. Accepted students will receive mentoring and feedback on their thesis from an expert in the field, as well as participate in a research event – the BUP Symposium.

The PhD Students Training takes place on-site in Uppsala, Sweden, between 24-28 November 2025. The theme is 'Strengthening the Security and Resilience of the Baltic Sea Region – Environmental, Political, Social, and Economic Shocks and Crises’. We will welcome a total of 30 PhD students from BUP participating universities. This training consists of three parts:

  1. Online seminars
  2. Training days
  3. The BUP Symposium

During the training days at Uppsala University, the PhD students will give and receive feedback on their own work, as well as input from senior experts in their field. The training will also include sessions of scientific presentations and parallel workshops.

At the BUP Symposium, there will be five parallel sessions to choose from, and PhD participants are welcome to hold poster presentations.

There is no participation fee for the training and the BUP will provide all meals. However, the students are expected to cover their travel and accommodation. To cover the expenses the PhD candidates can apply for Erasmus+ grants.

The application deadline is 30 May 2025, 23:59 (CEST).


Read more about the event on the BUP website.