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BUP Symposium 2025 – Wzmocnienie bezpieczeństwa i odporności regionu Morza Bałtyckiego


The BUP Symposium is a platform where colleagues at BUP participating universities can disseminate recent research, initiate new discussions, and foster future collaborations. This year, the theme is 'Strengthening the Security and Resilience of the Baltic Sea Region – Environmental, Political, Social, and Economic Shocks and Crises’. The Symposium will be held on-site in Uppsala, Sweden, between 26-28 November 2025 as an in-person research event!


We will welcome 80 researchers from BUP participating universities, representing various disciplines with an interest in the Baltic Sea Region as an empirical field to discuss the Symposium’s core theme. PhD candidates are invited to apply to attend the BUP PhD Students Training, application opens later in March, which will take place in connection with the BUP Symposium. 

The Symposium will feature oral presentations organised according to five sessions, each with a focus on the Baltic Sea Region: 

  1. Climate Change in Times of Environmental and Geopolitical Instability
  2. Energy Security and Energy Transitions
  3. International Relations: Cooperation and Conflict 
  4. Civil Society and Preparedness 
  5. Resilient Food Systems and Water Security

We invite you/your research team to submit an abstract of a maximum of 300 words including background and aims, methods, results, and conclusions by 16 May 2025 for consideration.

There is no fee to take part in the Symposium in Uppsala since your participation will be covered by The Baltic University Programme. For each abstract accepted the BUP will welcome one presenter, the applicant, and cover the costs for this person. Lunches, dinners, and coffee breaks will be provided by the BUP during the event program days. All participants must cover their own travel costs to and from Uppsala as well as their accommodation costs.


Read more about the event on the BUP website.