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Spotkanie informacyjno-wprowadzające BUP


The Baltic University Programme shares an invitation to a BUP information and introduction meeting

The Baltic University Programme (BUP) continues to grow, to ensure that as many colleagues and students as possible get a better insight into all that the BUP does we will organise regular information and introduction meetings. These online meetings are targeted at new members, but open to all, to introduce and discuss the BUP’s work. You are invited to join the first of these meetings on 22 November 2024 at 10:00 CET.

Regular communication is important to make sure that scholars, students, and teachers at BUP participating universities get the most from being a part of the BUP. One way of sharing news and information is via the newsletter BUP Weekly and BUP social media. To be able to better introduce the BUP and open for questions and discussions the BUP Coordinating Secretariat will also host information and introduction meetings.

During the meeting, there will be an additional focus on internationalisation issues. You can join the meeting via the link: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/69894259991 and invite other colleagues interested in the BUP and/or internationalisation issues.


Bialystok University of Technology is part of the Baltic University ProgrammeIt is an association of over 100 universities from the Baltic Sea region that care about a healthy, green planet and clean seas.
Learn more what we do at Bialystok University of Technology.