The Save The Baltic Sea project
This is a hiking expedition around the Baltic Sea which aims to spread awareness about the fact that the Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas in the world. The project wishes to share the message that by working together, we can save it!
This hiking expedition will cover over 6000 km and take place in eight countries. A group of people and organisations, led by the Lithuanian environmentalist Audrius Bučas, are walking around the Baltic Sea raising awareness, carrying out educational activities and co-creating solutions with universities, businesses, local communities on sustainable development and the importance of protecting the environment of the Baltic Sea region.
The expedition is supported by, for instance, the European Ocean Coalition, EU4Ocean, as well as HELCOM (The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission) as the campaign aims are aligned with the Baltic Sea Action Plan, and a number of other environmental and scientific organisations. The expedition is also part of the UN Ocean Decade.
Browse the website, learn about the Baltic Sea and spread the word!
Read more about the project on the Save the Baltic Sea website.
Bialystok University of Technology is part of the Baltic University Programme. It is an association of over 100 universities from the Baltic Sea region that care about a healthy, green planet and clean seas.
Learn more what we do at Bialystok University of Technology.