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Zapraszamy na kursy z zakresu zrównoważonego rozwoju


The Baltic University Programme offers various courses on sustainability.

Take a look at the course platform and remember that since Bialystok University of Technology is part of this organisaton all employees, students,  and doctoral students can take the courses for free!

One of the key missions of the Baltic University Programme (BUP) is the creation of courses from different academic disciplines with both theoretical and practical focuses. The BUP courses are created as massive open online courses (MOOCs) that are unique in that they focus on sustainability in a Baltic Sea Region context.

The list of courses is being updated with new courses that are created by colleagues from the participating universities, so you can visit the platform to check the latest news.

Read more about the Baltic University Programme.

Contact our BUP coordinator: Aniela Staszewska a.staszewska@pb.edu.pl