Native speaker w SJO
03-10-2023W roku akademickim 2023/24 w Studium Języków Obcych gościmy ponownie stypendystkę Programu Fulbrighta.
Nasi studenci będą mieli okazję poznać Cailyn na zajęciach z lektoratu, ale planujemy też inne wydarzenia z jej udziałem, otwarte także dla pracowników. Już wkrótce zdradzimy szczegóły. Zapraszamy do obserwowania naszej strony oraz profilu facebook. Zamieszczamy tam bieżące informacje.
Oddajemy głos Cailyn:
Who I am:
I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and certificates in Public Policy and Humanitarian Engineering. Through my humanitarian engineering certificate, I found a passion for using my scientific knowledge to help others. I worked on a project to develop an emergency waste digester to be used by the International Federation of the Red Cross to improve sanitation conditions in refugee camps. In addition to that, I was driven to mentoring and teaching. I served as a mentor to first-year students, worked as a teaching assistant at a biomedical engineering summer camp, and worked as a virtual middle school math tutor during the COVID-19 pandemic. After graduation, I moved to Dallas to teach science at a Title I high school as a Teach for America Corps Member. As an educator, I have loved every moment of getting to know my students and watching them grow and pursue their goals. While teaching, I graduated with my Masters of Education from Southern Methodist University. Outside of work, I enjoy coffee, reading books, and hiking.
My Fulbright grant focuses on:
My Fulbright grant focuses on serving as an English Teaching Assistant at the Białystok University of Technology under the Foreign Language Center. I will help students develop their English skills in STEM-related content. I am looking forward to getting to know my students and organizing STEM initiatives for underrepresented students in STEM. While I am there, I also hope to volunteer with an organization that supports refugees and displaced persons.
I decided to apply for a Fulbright grant because:
I applied for Fulbright to broaden my experience as a teacher and to learn more about education systems around the globe. I specifically chose Poland because of their culture and breadth of STEM programs. I am excited to have the opportunity to immerse myself in a new place and use my skills to continue teaching others.
After completing my Fulbright grant I would like to:
Following my Fulbright grant, I plan work in disaster response at an NGO or governmental organization. I also plan to pursue graduate study in this field. I will use the skills I developed as a Fulbright ETA to better connect and work with different people from around the world.
Więcej o Programie Fulbrighta w SJO.