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Course catalogue


All courses offered to Erasmus / freemover students are taught in English. The course catalogue is available in the – the online system of BUT for international students: IRK2.

You can choose courses from all BUT faculties, no matter what you are studying.

The requirement and description of the subjects can be found here Erasmus+ Course Catalogue.

It’s mandatory to contact the Faculty Coordinator after your arrival, to check the availability of the subjects. Subject with less than 4 students in the group won’t be available.

Bialystok University of Technology has adapted the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
The table below shows correspondence between ECTS and local grading scale.


ECTS grade Local grade Definition Percentages
A 5 EXCELLENT – outstanding performance with only minor errors 91% – 100%
B 4,5 VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors 81% – 90%
C 4 GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors 71% – 80%
D 3,5 SATISFACTORY – fair but significant shortcomings 61% – 70%
E 3 SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria 51% – 60%
F 2 FAIL – some more work required before the credit can be awarded 0 – 50%
FX 2 FAIL – considerable further work is required 0 – 50%