Before you visit us
Non-EU students need a valid passport (at least six months/ one year validation after the date of your arrival) to visit Poland and to apply here for a visa. Erasmus exchange students coming for the period longer than three months need a permission of stay. You are strongly advised to proceed with the application in the Polish Embassy in your home country. Before your departure to Poland you are usually provided with a formal invitation sent by BUT IRO (“Acceptance Letter”). You might be interested to visit our neighbour picturesque towns of Baltic countries and Scandinavian regions while staying here. In such case you have to apply for entrance in an appropriate unit.
The complete index of embassies in Poland you can find here.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is the only valid medical insurance document on the European Union territory, as far as free medical care is concerned. The EHIC can be used to cover any necessary medical treatment due to either an accident or illness within the European Economic Area (EEA).
Erasmus students should apply for this card before they come to Poland. International students who come from non-European countries have a private insurance which was required for the visa application.
ESN PB (Erasmus Student Network – Politechnika Bialostocka) is a group of volunteer Polish students that help Erasmus students adapt to university life in Bialystok. With the support of the International Relations Office at BUT, they organise events so that Erasmus students get to know Poland and its culture.
Dear student! If you are looking for a mentor (buddy-person that will help you before and during your stay in Bialystok) or would like to join Facebook group for Erasmus students in Bialystok please contact with ESN at our university:
pb [at]