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Academic calendar

Each academic year is divided into two semesters of fifteen weeks:

  • autumn semester – from September till the end of January
  • spring semester – from February till June

Each term follows the exam session. Examinations are held in February and in June.


  • a longer period of holidays at Christmas time
  • one or two weeks of an interterm break in February
  • a shorter break at Easter Fest
  • public holidays: All Saints` Day – 1 November, Independence Day – 11 November, New Year’s Day – 1 January, Labour Day – 1 May, Constitution Day – 3 May

Academic year calendar 2024/25 (PDF, digitally accessible, 63 KB)

Academic year calendar 2023/24 (PDF, digitally accessible, 78 KB)

Academic year calendar 2022/2023 (PDF, digitally accessible, 166 KB)

Academic year calendar 2022/23 (PDF, digitally accessible, 63 KB)

Academic year calendar 2021/22 (PDF, digitally accessible, 273 KB)