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Staff mobilities


BUT organises an annual International Staff Week to which you can apply under the Erasmus+ programme. If you are interested in being informed about the next edition, please send a request to
g.jakimiuk [at] pb.edu.pl.

Individual visits within the framework of Staff Mobilities for Training are currently only carried out during International Staff Weeks, which we organise twice a year (spring and winter).

Individual Staff Mobilities for Teaching are organized only during the academic year.

If you wish to visit BUT please contact one of the Faculty Coordinators, indicating your area of expertise. If you wish to visit one of the administrative units of BUT, or need assistance in finding a faculty that is the best fit for you, please contact maciej.zarebski [at] pb.edu.pl.

As soon as the teaching programme is established and confirmed by the faculty, we will send you an invitation letter (if needed) and proceed to sign the Mobility Agreement.


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