Tea with a tutor
Tea with a tutor – open up to new opportunities
Tutoring is a program about finding and setting goals; about your strengths; about doing what you are really fond of; about living and working in interesting places, because the world is open to you when you can speak different languages and know where you are going; about the modern world, its challenges and problems.
We can help you to get a better idea of yourself, identify what your strengths and weaknesses are….
Maybe you will see yourself in a different light….
Maybe we will motivate you to make more conscious choices, to reflect more deeply….
Come and talk about your interests!
See what potential is hidden in them!
How to develop and channel them?
So what is it all about?
The BUT Foreign Language Centre has already implemented two tutoring cycles: the Pilot Tutoring Program 2021/22 and the Tutoring Program 2023. Currently, we are not recruiting for the program, but we would like to promote the idea of tutoring in a slightly modified form. We invite you to individual meetings with our certified tutors over a nice cup of tea and in a relaxed atmosphere.
It’s only one meeting, but how much it can change!