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Baltic University Programme (BUP)

Bialystok University of Technology is part of a network of 100 universities from around the Baltic Sea – Baltic University Programme.

The aim of the network is to foster cooperation on education and research in Sustainable Development and Democracy. The network strives to find novel ways of interaction among universities and between universities and society. The objectives of the organization can be summarized as:

Save the Baltic Sea, Connect the Region and Increase Prosperity.


The ten research topics BUP focuses on includes:

1. Climate Change

2. Energy Systems

3. Sustainable Societies

4. Sustainable Water Resources

5. Urban Rural Development

6. Sustainable Mobility

7. Circular Economy

8. Sustainable Tourism

9. Education for Sustainable Development

10. Sustainable Food Systems

Themes – The Baltic University Programme – Uppsala University, Sweden


We encourage you to join the BUP research network by adding your prolife to the BUP website in your area of research.

You can find a list of participating universities here:.

The Programme is coordinated by The Baltic University Programme’s Coordinating Secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden. BUP National Centres deal with the network coordination and student interaction in each BUP country.

Rector’s Plenipotentiary for the Baltic University Programme is Aniela Staszewska, MA a.staszewska [at] pb.edu.pl .