Advanced hybrid lightweight materials and technologies for global circular economy
Advanced hybrid lightweight materials and technologies for global circular economy conference is co-organized by Bialystok University of Technology , Bialystok University of Technology Development Foundation, National Key Clusters (Evoluma Industry Cluster, Polish Construction Cluster, Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies) with the strategic partner – Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office and with the Bialystok Chamber of Industry and Commerce, ILK TU Dresden…See more
Advanced hybrid lightweight materials and technologies for global circular economy conference is co-organized by Bialystok University of Technology , Bialystok University of Technology Development Foundation, National Key Clusters (Evoluma Industry Cluster, Polish Construction Cluster, Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies) with the strategic partner – Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal’s Office and with the Bialystok Chamber of Industry and Commerce, ILK TU Dresden…See more
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