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Travel info

Białystok is the largest city in north-eastern Poland and the capital of Podlachia voivodeship. Public transportation between Białystok and Warszawa (the capital of Poland) is very convenient and provided by buses and trains.

By plane

The closest Polish public international airport is the Warsaw Chopin Airport in the capital. This airport is being served by most major normal and low-budget airlines. There is also the Warsaw/Modlin Mazovia Airport, located close to Warsaw. This airport operates low-budget airlines.

By train

The journey takes about 3-4 hours from the Warsaw Chopin Airport and 5 hours from Warsaw/Modlin Mazovia Airport. For timetables and prices, see Polish State Railways http://rozklad-pkp.pl/en or http://en.e-podroznik.pl/.

By bus

There is a direct coach connection from the Warsaw Chopin Airport operated by Plus Bus or PKS Express. For timetables and prices, see https://plusbus.pl/index.php?ln=EN or  http://en.e-podroznik.pl/. Long-distance bus tickets can be purchased online at the bus carrier’s website and, if there are free places on the bus, from bus drivers before departure. Without a purchased ticket there is no place guaranteed. The bus driver accept payment only in cash in Polish zloty.