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Information clause (GDPR)

Information clause for participants of Mathematics of the Borderlands Conference

For informational and promotional purposes of the organized conference, we record its course using photographic and audio-video reports. Selected fragments of the Conference may be made public on our website of the Organizer and the Bialystok University of Technology. By registering, you consent to the recording of your image recorded during the conference.

  1. The administrator of personal data obtained in order to participate in the conference is the Foundation for the Development of the Bialystok University of Technology, ul. Zwierzyniecka 6/3, 15-333 Białystok, tel./fax 085 742-36-69, REG. 052028239, NIP: 542-27-44-949. Contact regarding the protection of personal data is possible via: fundacja@pb.edu.pl
  2. Personal data will be processed in order to:
    a) registration of participation and organization of the conference,
    b) communicate with the Participants on matters related to the conference and document its course
    – based on Article. 6 sec. 1 lit. b and c GDPR,
    c) promotional and information purposes – the processing of Participants’ personal data is carried out on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR in the field of image recording.
  3. The recipients of personal data may be the administrator’s IT service providers and other entities authorized under the law.
  4. The data will be stored for the period resulting from the provisions of law.
  5. You have the right to access your data, and subject to the provisions of law, you have the right to:
    a) withdraw your consent, with the proviso that the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing which was made on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal,
    b) rectification of data,
    c) deletion of data,
    d) data processing restrictions,
    e) object to the processing of personal data.
  6. If you believe that the processing of personal data violates generally applicable regulations in this respect, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Poland, this is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
  7. Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for registration and participation in the conference. The consequence of not providing personal data will be the inability to participate in the above-mentioned activities. conference.
  8. Your personal data will not be used for automated decision-making or profiling referred to in art. 22 of the regulation.