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Foreign Language Centre



Do you know that every fourth apple on European tables comes from our country?

Poland is the largest producer of apples in the European Union and the third largest in the world, after China and the USA. The share of Poland in the global production of apples is 5%, and 27% in the EU.

Apples are also our favourite fruit: an average Pole eats 12-14 kg of them annually.

About 40% of Polish apples come from orchards near Grójec, in the central part of Poland (a large area south of Warsaw). The fruit-growing traditions there are over 500 years old, mainly due to the unique soil and climatic conditions, which makes these apples 5% more red and acidic than the same varieties from other regions.

Currently, the brand “Grójeckie apples” includes 27 varieties of apples, incl. Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Szampion, Red Jonaprince, Mutsu, Gala, Gloster and Lobo.