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60-hour course for beginners

60-hour course of Polish for complete beginners

During this course you will acquire basic ability to communicate in typical everyday situations, e.g. in a shop, on the bus, at the railway station, at the dean’s office, you’ll practice asking the way, ordering meals, understanding weather forecast, reading and writing simple text messages, etc. You will also get acquainted with some elements of Polish culture, customs and contemporary socio-economic issues.      

The course starts in October 2022 and finishes in January 2023, with the prospect of continuing in summer semester. Classes run twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Fees start from 1200 zł, 5% discount for continuation of tuition in our Centre and 5% for full payment before the course starts.

Recruitment starts in September 2022. Please, fill in the registration form.

Contact us.