Faculty language assistants
Faculty language assistants are responsible for creating and updating language groups, guiding students repeating a semester/changing language level to the appropriate groups and for keeping in touch with the deaneries.

English: all fields of study – Beata Falkowska, MA beata.falkowska [at] pb.edu.pl
German: all fields of study – Artur Kuźmicz, MA a.kuzmicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Russian: all fields of study – Dorota Szuper-Jakubiuk, MA d.jakubiuk [at] pb.edu.pl

Landscape Architecture, Biotechnology, Thermal Power Engineering, Spatial Economy, Environmental Engineering – Wojciech Rogalski, MA w.rogalski [at] pb.edu.pl
Civil Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering ,Agri-Food Engineering and Forestry, Forestry- Ewa Ligocka, PhD e.ligocka [at] pb.edu.pl
German: all fields of study – Artur Kuźmicz, MA a.kuzmicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Russian: all fields of study – Dorota Szuper-Jakubiuk, MA d.jakubiuk [at] pb.edu.pl
English: all fields of study – Małgorzata Ciereszko, PhD m.ciereszko [at] pb.edu.pl
German: all fields of study – Artur Kuźmicz, MA a.kuzmicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Russian: all fields of study – Dorota Szuper-Jakubiuk, MA d.jakubiuk [at] pb.edu.pl

English: all fields of study
Beata Smolarczyk, MA b.smolarczyk [at] pb.edu.pl
Anna Gąsowska, MA anna.gasowska [at] pb.edu.pl
German: all fields of study – Artur Kuźmicz, MA a.kuzmicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Russian: all fields of study – Dorota Szuper-Jakubiuk, MA d.jakubiuk [at] pb.edu.pl

Automatic Control and Robotics, Mechanics and Construction of Machinery – Urszula Sochoń-Okruszko, MA u.sochon [at] pb.edu.pl
Biomedical Engineering, Mechatronics – Joanna Nazarko, MA joanna.nazarko [at] pb.edu.pl
German: all fields of study – Artur Kuźmicz, MA a.kuzmicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Russian: all fields of study – Dorota Szuper-Jakubiuk, MA d.jakubiuk [at] pb.edu.pl

Tourism and Recreation, Management, Management and Production Engineering, Management and Service Engineering, – Greta Głowacka-Czarnopyś, MA g.czarnopys [at] pb.edu.pl
Logistics (studies in Polish), Logistics (studies in English), Financial management and accounting – Anna Kalisz, MA a.kalisz [at] pb.edu.pl
German: all fields of study – Artur Kuźmicz, MA a.kuzmicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Russian: all fields of study – Dorota Szuper-Jakubiuk, MA d.jakubiuk [at] pb.edu.pl
Doctoral School – Monika Śleszyńska, PhD m.sleszynska [at] pb.edu.pl
POLISH LAB coordinator – Alina Jabłońska Domurat, MA a.domurat [at] pb.edu.pl
Erasmus+ coordinator – Małgorzata Komarewska, MA m.komarewska [at] pb.edu.pl