UCJ o profilu biznesowym
The examination for the Bialystok University of Technology Business Language Certificate (pl. Uczelniany Certyfikat Językowy, UCJ) is an examination of foreign language proficiency at B2 level.
The examination consists of a written and oral part. The written part incorporates:
- listening comprehension
- reading comprehension
- linguistic structures.
During the exam, the examinee can score up to 100 points – 75 for the written part (25 points for each of the listed modules) and 25 points for the oral part.
Grading scale:
- 100 pts – 86 pts – very good /5/
- 85 – 71 – good /4/
- 70 points – 55 points – satisfactory /3/
The nearest examination date is 23 November 2024. We also offer individual sessions on a date chosen by the examinee.
The examination fee is PLN 99.
You can sign up for the exam by email – the email address can be found below.
Exam fees should be paid to the Białystok University of Technology account:
BANK PEKAO SA 30 1240 1154 1111 0000 2148 7604
in the title of the transfer please write: POLILINGUA – UCJ COURSE AND EXAM
The written part includes:
1. Listening comprehension. There are two or three recordings on business topics. Instructions may include choosing the correct answer from several given, deciding whether the given sentence is true or not, completing sentences or matching the correct statements with the speaker.
2 Reading comprehension. Usually two separate tasks on business topics. Prompts may include choosing the correct answer from several given, deciding whether the given sentence is true or not, completing the text with the given sentences, matching the correct headings to the texts or matching the texts to the statements they contain.
3. Volabulary. Example here: Vocabulary
The oral examination begins with a conversation about studies/work, specialisation, etc. The examinee then draws two questions and speaks on one of them.
Example questions:
1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed.
Think about:
- responsibilities
- independence
- financial aspects
- work-life balance
2 Why is the awareness of cultural differences important when doing business in another country?
Think about:
- business culture
- local culture and traditions
- language
- West vs. East
- examples of problems you may face when doing business abroad
In addition, you may be asked about your studies/work, field of expertise, etc.
The examination will assess the content of your speech, your vocabulary, grammatical correctness, pronunciation and fluency.