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Polish Constitution Day

May 3rd is an exceptionally important day in the calendar of Polish national holidays. It was on May 3, 1791 that the Constitution was adopted – a
a breakthrough act regulating the legal system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was the first constitution in modern Europe and the second in the world. Its enactment is today considered one of the most important events in Polish history.

Adopted at the Great (Four-Year) Sejm, Polish Parliament, the law was extremely progressive; it provided the foundation for modern political construction contained in the words: “all power in human society takes its origin from the will of the people.”

The May 3 Constitution, enacted “for the common good, for the consolidation of freedom, for the salvation of our Homeland and its borders,” introduced a number of remarkably innovative – for the time – solutions. In 11 articles, it described the principles of the functioning of society and the state: the system of constitutional monarchy with strong representative power, the tripartite separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial, groundbreaking changes in the field of parliamentarism, including the adoption of all resolutions by a simple majority rather than unanimously.

Although the Constitution was in effect for only 14 months, it was a great achievement for the Polish people seeking to preserve their state independence and ensure the economic and political development of their country. A country that was very weakened politically and economically, having experienced the first partition by Prussia, Austria and Russia in 1772.

The manuscript original of the May 3 Constitution was initially kept in Wilanów in the collection amassed by Stanisław Kostka Potocki, a participant in the proceedings of the Four-Year Sejm, then for many years in Krzeszowice near Kraków. After 1945, it returned to Warsaw to the Central Archives of Historical Records. From time to time it is displayed for viewing at the Presidential Palace or the Royal Castle.



Link to an interesting video about the Constitution:
