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Component I
Professional Development of Staff – Study Visits

The main objectives of the project are to increase the competence of BUT management staff of and to strengthen and expand cooperation with a foreign partner – Molde University College in Norway. The project involves 5 mobilities from BUT to Molde University College in Norway for 3 days (plus 2 travel days) for a study visit.

Implementation period: 25.04.2022 -25.10.2022

Value of the project: 8,475.00 EUR   

Project partner: Molde University College

Component II

Mobility in Higher Education 2021

The main objectives of the project are to increase competences of BUT employees and to strengthen and expand cooperation with a foreign partner – Molde University College in Norway. 12 incoming and outgoing mobilities are planned for employees of BUT & Molde University College in Norway.

Implementation period: 01.04.2022 -30.09.2023

Project value:  EUR 20,000.00   

Project partner: Molde University College

Mobility in Higher Education 2019

The main objectives of the project are to increase competences of BUT employees and students, and to strengthen and expand cooperation with a foreign partners – University of Agder (UiA), Norwegian University of Technical Sciences (NTNU). Incoming and outgoing mobilities are planned for employees and students of BUT, UiA and NTNU.

Implementation period: 01/07/2020 – 30/09/2022

Project value:  EUR 70 250.00   

Project partner: University of Agder, Norwegian University of Technical Sciences

Component III

Institutional cooperation for the improvement of quality and relevance of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and vocational continuing education

Objectives of the project:

1) broadening the offer of vocational secondary and higher education and adjusting the curriculum to the current labour market needs in the IT sector (new complete curricula for the INFOTECH Programming Technical School and BUT Faculty of Computer Science)

2) expanding the offer of vocational contiuing education (a 2-year programming course for adults and a basic programming course for the Polish minority in Iceland)

3) broadening cooperation and transnational exchange of experiences between Iceland and Poland in the field of remote education, gamification, building relations between business and education

4) improving the quality of remote education (trainings, equipping laboratories for training purposes).

Implementation period: 01.04.2022 -30.11.2023

Project value:  EUR 241,290

Project leader: Partnership for Development Foundation

Project partner: Keilir Academy from Iceland

Component IV

Institutional cooperation for enhancement of quality and relevance of education at all levels and forms (excluding VET and vocational continuing education)

The aim of the project is to modify the IT Tool “Horizons of the Future” by:

– developing a module on generating factors influencing a selected area of analysis’

– adding a module on SWOT analysis,

– development of the module on building scenarios.

The tool is proposed to work on 2 levels:

– for use in the work of a lecturer or career office advisor – for the purpose of conducting future-oriented workshops;

– for individual use, in order to analyse the determinants of individual career paths and personal development.

Implementation period: 01.03.2022 -29.02.2024

Project value:  148,620 EUR

Project Leader: Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies

Project partner: IMD Pawelec Marcin, Norwegian Board of Technology – Teknologirådet