Cooperation Agreements
Bialystok University of Technology pursues a policy of development, promotion and internationalization in the field of research and education.
Scientific cooperation within the framework of agreements with universities from all over the world enables BUT employees to pursue scientific topics in various fields. Work plans define the scope of cooperation, enabling joint research, implementation of new technologies, publication of joint scientific works and papers, mutual exchange of experience and exchange of staff and students. As part of the implementation of scientific and technical cooperation, visits abroad by BUT staff and incoming visits by foreign staff take place.
Visiting professors programme is also implemented as part of the agreements. Professors from China and the USA, among others, have given lectures at BUT. Our professors also visit partner universities to conduct research and teaching work.
Short-term bilateral student internships are carried out as part of cooperation agreements with foreign universities. Within the framework of the internship programmes, students participate in conferences, seminars, classes, visit engineering facilities and carry out study visits. International summer schools are also organised.