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Across at the 2nd European Universities Conference


On the 4th and 5th of September 2024, the Across alliance, which includes Bialystok University of Technology, was showcased at the 2nd European Universities Conference. The event was organised in Kraków by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, the PRom Association, IROs FORUM, the Forum of Academic Administration, and the Erasmus+ InnHub Innovation Centre.

European Universities currently comprise 64 international consortia, bringing together over 560 higher education institutions from across the continent. In the 2024 call, nine Polish universities, including Bialystok University of Technology, joined new alliances under this initiative. The kEUI conference provided a platform for shared discussion on best practices, challenges, and the future of alliances.

On the first day of the kEUI conference, Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng, the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, presented the principles of the Across European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing in a panel titled “The Future of Alliances – Expectations and Challenges.”

The 2nd European Universities Conference was filled with inspiring panels, discussions, and presentations. The debates touched on topics such as the benefits of participating in European Universities alliances, student and doctoral engagement, cooperation between academic staff and administration, the power of public relations, and the challenges and future of alliances.

Approximately 180 people attended the kEUI conference in person, while around 290 participated online. Bialystok University of Technology was also represented by Grażyna Jakimiuk from the Mobility and International Agreements Office and Katarzyna Kochaniak from the Erasmus+ InnHub Innovation Centre in Białystok.

You can find descriptions of the European Universities in which Polish institutions participate in the latest publication by FRSE Publishing.

More information about the 2nd European Universities Conference and the programme is available on the FRSE and kEUI conference websites.