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This is an archived page.
The current address of the Biomdlore conference website is BIOMDLORE 2025.

Student Competition


§1. General provisions

  1. The Regulations of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”) for participants of the International Conference “BIOMDLORE” (hereinafter referred to as the “Conference”) define the conditions of participation in the Competition and the criteria for awarding prizes.
  2. The competition for the best thesis in the Doctoral Student and Student categories is organized during the Conference in Białystok on October 22-24, 2023.


§2. Competition Participants

  1. A doctoral student is a person who, on the day the thesis was sent, was a student of the Doctoral School or had a similar status at the University and the country whose affiliation is mentioned in the assessed thesis.
  2. A student is a person who, on the day the thesis was sent, was a student of the University whose affiliation is mentioned in the assessed thesis.
  3. The Competition Participant may be a doctoral student or a student who is the first or at most the second co-author of the work presented during the Conference.
  4. All persons whose immediate family members, i.e. ascendants, siblings, spouses, parents of spouses and persons in adoption relationship with them, are in the Competition Chapter are excluded from participation in the competition.


§3. Competition Chapter

  1. The works of doctoral students and students presented in the form of a plenary speech/poster session during the Conference are assessed by the Competition Chapter.
  2. The work of the Chapter is managed by the Chairman of the Chapter, who is the Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee.
  3. The members of the Chapter are: Vice-Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee and the Keynote Speakers.
  4. The jury is appointed for the duration of the Competition.


§4. Course of the Competition

  1. Before the start of the conference, the Chairman of the Chapter determines which works meet the conditions for participation in the Competition (hereinafter “Works”).
  2. The task of the Jury members is to participate in the presentation of all Works.
  3. After presenting all the Works, the members of the Jury independently assign 3, 2 and 1 point respectively to the 3 best Works in each category and submit their votes in writing to the Chairman of the Jury.
  4. The Chairman of the Chapter counts the total number of points received by each Entry. The winner (1st place winner) is the work that received the most points.
  5. Works from the first three places are awarded.
  6. If the number of Works submitted to the competition is less than 5, only the first place prize will be awarded.
  7. If the number of Works is less than 3, no competition is organized.


§5. Announcement of results

  1. The results will be announced on October 24, 2023 during the closing ceremony of the Conference.
  2. If the Competition Winner is absent within the above-mentioned time, the prize will be sent by post.


§6. Final Provisions

  1. Issues not covered by the Regulations and related to the Competition are decided by the Chairman of the Chapter.
  2. The Chairman of the Chapter has the right to interpret the Regulations.
  3. It is stipulated that the Winners are not entitled to a cash equivalent in the event of resignation from the prize.