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My Green University


My Green University

As part of the “Development Strategy of Bialystok University of Technology for 2021-2024 with the perspective of extension to 2030”, our University has developed and started the process of implementing the sustainable development strategy under the name “My Green University”. Activities implemented until 2035 have been designed in response to the global challenges of the modern world, which include climate change, air, soil and water pollution, the progressive loss of natural resources, as well as the loss of biodiversity.

Bialystok University of Technology, which for years has been creating solutions and implementing technologies in compliance with the principles of sustainable development, is aware of the importance of transferring knowledge to young generations of engineers, taking into account aspects of environmental protection. It is a matter of social responsibility, but also of our future. Therefore, by the decision of the University authorities and members of the academic community, we decided to strive for a dynamic transformation of the university towards the education of staff programming and creating technological development, at the same time bearing in mind the ecosystem and climate protection.

We determined the actions we take to achieve our goal on the basis of an assessment of the state and potential of the University, as well as a SWOT analysis. It was supported by the involvement of our students, doctoral students, academic staff and university staff who took part in the survey, which lasted from 21 April to 5 June 2022.

We have set ourselves ambitious goals that we intend to achieve by popularising the issues of sustainable development in the didactic process, more research protecting the ecosystem, as well as organisation and management aimed at achieving a zero environmental footprint at the University.

We hope that “My Green University” will become a space for discussion, exchange of experiences and ideas on creating a model green campus that can be a source of inspiration and good practices for others. The success of a sustainable development strategy depends on the activity of our community. We believe that thanks to joint efforts, we will be able to achieve our goal.

Let “My Green University” bring us together!

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Sustainability Strategy (download PDF)

