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Teams – Virtual Meetings

Microsoft Teams is a Microsoft cloud-based service that includes a set of tools and services to support teamwork.


You can download Microsoft Teams app for desktop and mobile devices:

Download Teams for Work to your computer

Download the Teams mobile app


Meetings in the Teams app are not automatically recorded. They can be recorded if the meeting participant turns on recording. All files recorded in MS Teams are automatically shared to Microsoft services (Stream, SharePoint or OneDrive) and stored there until deleted by the recorder or according to the service policy after 30 days.

The recorder (as owner of the recording) is responsible for setting the availability options for the recording. It is important that the recording should only be available to those attending the meeting unless otherwise regulated by faculty regulations. Recordings cannot be shared across the organisation or across the team without the consent of those being recorded as this is a breach of the GDPR principles. Individuals who do not consent to their image or voice being used for business purposes are asked to turn off the cameras and microphones during the meeting.


An extended user manual is available at: TEAMS – manual – documentation