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Installing Office365 (desktop)

Bialystok University of Technology provides employees, students of both 1st and 2nd degree studies and students of the doctoral school with the latest version of the Office suite.

Before installation, check which version of Office you have. If it is older than the one provided – uninstall it.
The new version is installed parallel to the old version. It is possible to use both, but it is not recommended. If you uninstall the old version after you have installed the new one, the association between the files and the Office software will be broken, and cause a problem with using previously created files.

The Office update on work computers should be carried out in consultation with faculty IT specialists. Central administration employees are supported by the WANC team.


Installation Guide
    1. Go to the login page: https://office.com.
    2. Enter your login and password.
    3. Click on the ‘Install applications’ button (1). 
    4. Remain logged in the browser window while the package is downloading.
    5. When the process is complete, run the installer and then log in again in the installed application with the data you use in Office365.
Within Office365, the following are available:
  1. The latest versions of the applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Skype for Business, Publisher and Access.
  2. The option to install Office on 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets (including iPad), and 5 smartphones.
  3. 1TB of personal OneDrive virtual storage space.