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What is Office365?

Office365 in the A3 plan is a version of Office available online and offline, offering functionalities such as:

  • e-mail (e-mail address), i.e. control over e-mails tharough the Outlook web application and a 100 GB mailbox. For instructions on how to access mail through the website, visit https://docs.uci.pb.edu.pl/o365/pocztast.html;
  • online meetings and video conferencing, as well as applications needed in the educational institution to improve cooperation and increase engagement, are available in Teams;
  • standard Word, Excel, PowerPoint office applications available online and offline for collaboration with real-time co-authoring, autosave, and easy sharing features;
  • organising information with a digital notebook in OneNote;
  • OneDrive storage (1TB).

A detailed description of Office365 applications and services in the A3 plan is available on the Office365 A3 plan description website, under the Office365 A3 plan tab.


Office365 for students of Bialystok University of Technology
Since March 24, 2020, all students of Bialystok University of Technology, under the ordinance of the Rector of Bialystok University of Technology, have access to student e-mail and MS Office365 service.

Ordinance No. 1098 came into force on March 24, 2020. It states that electronic student mail is the official channel of communication with students, doctoral students and postgraduate students during the implementation of classes using distance learning methods and techniques.

Therefore, in order to facilitate the implementation of classes using methods and techniques of distance education, all students, doctoral students and participants of postgraduate studies at the Bialystok University of Technology are granted access to electronic student mail in the MS Office365 system. The rules for the use of student mail are set out in the “Regulations for the use of student e-mail”. Thus, the students are obliged to use it.

Students of the first semester of first- and second-cycle studies receive their access data to Office365 (including e-mail) at the e-mail address provided during recruitment.

Unregistration from the service will take place automatically after losing the status of a student, doctoral student or participant of postgraduate studies. It is possible to switch to the alumni service after sending a message to the following address: office365 [at] uci.pb.edu.pl with a request to transfer the service. The alumni account gives the right to use only e-mail, without the services available in MS Office365.

Complaints, remarks, comments and questions regarding the operation of student e-mail should be addressed to the University IT Centre, Wiejska 45A, Bialystok, tel. (85) 746 9126 or (85) 746 7077, office365 [at] uci.pb.edu.pl.

Please report any problems with the Office365 services via the Helpdesk form.


Office365 for employees of Bialystok University of Technology
Simplified account creation procedure for employees

An employee sends a request to create an account in MS Office365 using a university e-mail or the USOSweb system to the following address: office365 [at] uci.pb.edu.pl.

In the message, only the first and last name of the applicant should be included.

Please report any problems with the Office365 services via the Helpdesk form.



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Instructional videos by Microsoft

Video od Microsoft Education

How to log in to Office

What is Teams

Chatting and sharing files in Teams

Virtual Meetings

Tasks in Teams

Setting up Teams app for mobile devices