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About us

Pracownicy Uczelnianego Centrum Informatycznego

The University IT Centre (UCI)

is a central unit of Bialystok University of Technology, responsible for the comprehensive IT implementation at the university. Our mission is to provide reliable, modern IT solutions that support educational, research, and administrative processes.

Scope of Activity
UCI implements and administers IT systems and software that streamline educational and managerial processes. We provide technical support, development, and maintenance of IT systems that enable efficient university management. We invest in the development of our staff and students through internal and external training, organised by our technology partners. We also ensure the security of our users’ data.
Our main tasks include:
  • Evaluating and implementing IT systems that support university management and the educational process.
  • Creating technical specifications, participating in tenders, and implementing projects.
  • Monitoring and analysing the use of IT resources in the educational process, with particular emphasis on remote learning.
  • Managing and administering IT systems, including library systems.
  • Providing IT support for electronic ID systems and electronic signatures.
  • Overseeing the anti-plagiarism system and transferring data to integrated information systems.
  • Collaborating with university units to secure data.
  • Posting information on the Public Information Bulletin of Bialystok University of Technology.
  • Managing computer equipment, software, and remote access to the Library’s databases.

UCI comprises central unit staff and two sections: the ERP Section and the Library Systems Section.

  • Library Systems Section
    The section ensures the proper functioning and support of library systems, particularly the integrated ALEPH library system and the OMEGA-PSIR system. The ALEPH system, implemented in 1995, automates all library processes, while the Primo scientific search engine, launched in 2016, enables searching all library resources in one window, optimising the process of finding necessary publications.
    The Library Systems Section of UCI also oversees the BUT Knowledge Base. Launched in 2019, the system is used to register and collect the university’s scientific achievements. More about its scope can be read here.
  • ERP Section
    The ERP Section handles the Teta system, which supports the automation of HR and payroll processes, as well as other key managerial processes at the university. The system includes an employee portal that enables electronic access to PIT documents and payslips.
Legal Status

UCI was established by the Regulation No. 80 of the Rector of Bialystok University of Technology on 12 December 2008 (in Polish). It operates based on the organisational regulations of Bialystok University of Technology (in Polish), an appendix to Regulation No. 1010 of the Rector of Bialystok University of Technology on 1 October 2019, and is a unit directly subordinate to the Rector.
By virtue of Regulation No. 7/2024 of the Rector of Bialystok University of Technology on 25 January 2024 (in Polish), UCI includes two sections: the ERP Section and the Library Systems Section.


We are available through the Helpdesk form, telephone, email, and in person at our campus office.

  • UCI and ERP Section: Rectorate Building, part B, 45A Wiejska Street, rooms B01-B05.
  • UCI and Library Systems Section: Centre for Modern Education, 16 Zwierzyniecka Street, rooms P-1/09 – P-1/10.
  • Campus map.

Want to find us but don’t know how? Try the Zonifero app (in Polish), a guide to Bialystok University of Technology, supporting students, staff, and visitors in their daily activities at the university.