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Survey 1

The questions are aimed at international students in order to learn their opinions on the need to implement the Intensive International Education Programme (IIEP) under the Spinaker Programme, organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) on the subject: ‘Engineering for sustainable development as an opportunity to acquire skills increasing the competences necessary for a future engineer’. The programme is planned to be implemented in the form of remote lectures and practical classes (laboratories, field classes) at Białystok University of Technology (BUT, Białystok, Poland).

Classes will be divided into modules on a coherent subject:
(I) general ideas of sustainable development,
(II) biodiversity is the key to sustainable development,
(III) the use and development of renewable energy sources,
(IV) biomass as a source of energy and bioactive substances,
(V) toxic environmental pollution.

In addition, during the course, participants will take part in sightseeing tours and workshops introducing Polish culture, customs and traditions.


Fields marked with (*) are required

    1. Are you familiar with the concept of sustainable development and the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)? *

    2. Do you think that the use and development of renewable energy sources is important from the economic, social and environmental point of view? *

    3. Are you interested in expanding your knowledge and acquiring new skills and competences in the field of modern engineering techniques used in activities for sustainable development? *

    4. Are distance learning lectures, intensive practical classes conducted in the modern research and teaching centre of BUT and in the field in the Białowieza Forest and the municipal management facility interesting and attractive for you? *

    5. Do you think that the subject of the proposed Intensive International Education Programme (IIEP) will broaden your knowledge of the current field of study? *

    6. Do you think that the possibility of obtaining ECTS credits is a benefit resulting from the implementation of the proposed IIEP? *

    7. Will the reimbursement of travel expenses and obtaining a scholarship to cover the cost of stay also influence your decision to participate in IIEP? *

    8. Can participation in IIEP influence your decision to continue / start studies at Białystok University of Technology / Poland? *

    9. Are you interested in participating in excursions around the region, participation in workshops introducing Polish culture, etc.? *

    10. After getting to know the subject of the course, are you interested in taking part in it? *