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Language Proficiency Test (HSK)

Our language courses prepare students for the Chinese HSK exams recognized around the world.


HSK 汉语水平考试 [Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì] is the state Chinese language proficiency test. Its basic part is a test developed by the HSK Center of the Beijing University of Culture and Language. The primary purpose of the exam is to assess the Chinese language proficiency of foreigners and the certificates are regarded by universities and companies around the world. Passing the HSK exam is also the first step to getting many scholarships in China, including Confucius Institute Scholarship programs.

The HSK written exam is conducted at six levels:

  • Level 1 (basic level) – amount of vocabulary 150 (CEF level: A1)
  • Level 2 (basic level) – amount of vocabulary 300 (CEF level: A2)
  • Level 3 (intermediate level) – 600 vocabulary (CEF level: B1)
  • Level 4 (intermediate level) – 1200 vocabulary (CEF level: B2)
  • Level 5 (advanced level) – 2500 vocabulary (CEF level: C1)
  • Level 6 (advanced level) – 5000 vocabulary (CEF level: C2)

The HSKK oral exam is conducted at three levels:

  • HSKK BASIC – candidates taking this level of examination should be familiar with basic phrases in Chinese.
  • HSKK INTERMEDIATE – for candidates who know at least 900 commonly used words and phrases.
  • HSKK ADVANCED – for candidates who know more than 3,000 Chinese words.


Exam registration

Registration for the HSK and HSKK examinations takes place at: www.chinesetest.cn

  1. A candidate intending to take the HSK or HSKK examination should create an individual account on the platform http://www.chinesetest.cn (at the top of the page there is an option to select “English”). When creating an account, the following must be provided: a current e-mail address, nationality, language and date of birth.
  2. After creating an account the candidate registers for the exam by selecting our examination centre: Europe > Poland > Confucius Classroom at Bialystok University of Technology (波兰比亚维斯托克理工大学孔子课堂), the correct type (Paper-based Test), level and date of the exam. When registering for an exam, it is compulsory to provide: your full name (just like on your identity document used before entering the exam), a current e-mail address and a telephone number for contact.
  3. The candidate attaches a photograph of their face in the chinesetest.cn system, which should be:
  • taken within the last six months prior to registration, saved in JPG format, in a file no smaller than 30 kb nor larger than 100 kb (180×240 pixels);
  • in colour or black and white, taken on a white background, without headwear (except for religious reasons), glasses with dark lenses or anything else that could make identification difficult;
  • taken en face – the face in the photo must be facing straight into the camera lense.


Price list

HSK1 – 50 PLN

HSK2 – 100 PLN

HSK3 – 150 PLN

HSK4 – 200 PLN

HSK5 – 250 PLN

HSK6 – 300 PLN

HSKK basic level – 50 PLN

HSKK intermediate level – 100 PLN

HSKK advanced level – 150 PLN

(Please send your payment confirmation immediately after you have paid the examination fee. Candidates will be registered on the list of examinees according to the order in which the confirmations are delivered to our e-mail box chinski@pb.edu.pl)

Payment status is validated manually in the system, so the candidate should send an email confirmation of the transfer to chinski@pb.edu.pl immediately after the payment is completed, within the registration deadline. No confirmation of payment by the registration deadline or no prior contact will result in the removal of the registration in the system.

Candidates shall pay the examination fee by the indicated deadline to the University’s bank account:
30 1240 1154 1111 0000 2148 7604
In the title of the transfer, please state: the name of the examinee, the address with postcode and which exam the fee is being paid for (e.g. Egzamin HSK 3).

If you register for more than one exam level, you must submit a collective payment. When taking examinations at different levels, you must register for the respective level separately.

The examination fee is non-refundable.
The University does not issue an invoice for exam participation.


Examination rules and regulations


  1. Examination admit card (“admission ticket”)
    The exam admit card is generated in the chinesetest.cn system approximately 7-10 days before the exam date. A member of staff at the examination centre will contact the examinee via email to inform them that the card can be downloaded.
    The examination admit card contains the following information: name and surname, nationality, gender, type and number of identity card, type of examination, duration of the examination, examination centre, exact details of the examination venue and confirms that the examinees have been admitted to the examination.Upon receiving the examination admission card, the examinee should verify the information it contains. Information such as the examinee’s name, gender, date of birth and ID number must match the information on the current ID card; if they do not match, participation in the examination will not be possible.
  2.  Items required for the examination
    On the day of the examination, the examinee must bring:1) an examination admission card (“admission ticket”);2) proof of identification;3) 2B pencils (two or more) and an eraser.No other items may be brought with you during the examination. These must be deposited in a place designated by the examiner. No valuables should be brought into the examination room; the examination organisers are not responsible for any loss or damage to these.Examinees who are unable to present a valid proof of identification or admit card will not be allowed to take the examination. They will also not be entitled to a refund of the examination fee.
  3. Entering the examination room The examinee should arrive at the examination room half an hour before the start of the examination to avoid being late. The examinees take their designated seats in the examination room and are not allowed to choose their seats. Once admitted, the examinee is not allowed to leave the examination room until the end of the “Listening” part.
    For the HSK written examination: Late entrants may enter the room and take the examination before the listening comprehension test begins; once the listening comprehension test begins, they must wait until that section has finished before entering the examination room; they may then take the reading comprehension test.
    Once the reading comprehension test has started, late entrants cannot enter the examination room to take the test.
    For the HSKK oral exam: Before the live recording begins, late entrants may enter the examination room and take the exam; however, once the recording begins, late entrants may not enter the room to take the exam. The duration of the examination will not be extended for late entrants.
  4. Conduct of the examination
    • Candidates take the examination as specified and directed by the examiners.
    • The candidates mark their answers using a 2B pencil on the answer sheet.
    • The oral part of the examination is conducted in the form of a live recording and candidates individually use their allocated recording device as specified and advised by the examiners.
    • The examinees are expected to follow the recommendations of the examiners, the rules of the examination and to complete the various parts of the examination on their own.
    • No break is scheduled during the examination. If, for any particular reason, examinees need to leave the examination room during the examination, they should obtain permission from the examiner and then return their examination admit card to the examiner before leaving the examination room. Upon their return, the examiner will return the admit card to the examinee.
    • During the HSKK oral examination and before the end of the listening comprehension part of the examination, no examinee may leave the examination room. Any examinee who leaves the room resigns from the examination.
  5. Absence from the examination If the examinee does not take the examination at the scheduled time, the examination fee will not be refunded. This does not apply if the examination does not take place due to the fault of the examination organiser. 
  6. Violations
    Examinees are not permitted to open their copy of the examination paper before the examination begins or to write answers from the right answer area, to tear off parts of the examination paper, to replace or copy it, or to take the exam or answer sheet out of the examination room.
    In case of committing acts such as cheating, substitution of the examinee, plagiarism, bringing in unauthorised material or not following the examiners’ instructions, the examination paper will not be marked. This is tantamount to receiving a negative grade on the exam.
  7. Examination results One month after the exam, the examinee can log on to www.chinesetest.cn and enter their exam admit card number, name and surname to view their exam results.Printed official exam result reports will be forwarded to the exam centre within 2 months of the exam day and the examinee can access them upon presenting their exam admit card.The exam result is available indefinitely, however, the result report required to apply for a place at Chinese universities is valid for a period of two years (counting from the date of the exam).