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About Us

The Confucius Classroom at the Bialystok University of Technology was established by Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban for short) in February 2019 and is affiliated to the Confucius Institute at the Opole University of Technology.  Hanban is a Chinese public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education based in Beijing whose main task is to promote the Chinese language as well as Chinese culture and traditions.

There are 548 Confucius Institutes and nearly 1,200 Confucius Classrooms worldwide. In Poland, there are 6 Confucius Institutes at state universities: in Cracow, Opole, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk and Warsaw. CC at BUT is one of the 3 Polish Classes established by Hanban and affiliated to the Confucius Institute in Opole (Opole University of Technology).

Beijing University of Technology is the Chinese partner university of BUT Confucius Classroom and Opole CI.


The activities of the Confucius Classroom at BUT include:
  • the organization of language courses conducted by qualified staff native speakers from China
  • the promotion and popularization of the Chinese language, culture and art
  • organizing events, workshops, trainings, lectures connected with culture, history, art and tradition of China
  • assistance in applying for admission to one of the Confucius Scholarship programs and organizing Chinese language camps
  • the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange among the staff and students of BUT and participants of Chinese language courses
  • preparing students for the HSK Chinese language examination, which offers many opportunities to travel to China and study at Chinese universities